API Documentation¶
API reference for the bycyle module.
Compute bycycle features from a signal. |
Compute bycycle features for a 2d or 3d signal. |
Feature Functions¶
Compute shape and burst features for each cycle. |
Compute shape features for each cycle. |
Compute burst features for each cycle. |
Compute sample indices of cyclepoints. |
Group Feature Functions¶
Compute shape and burst features for a 2 dimensional array of signals. |
Compute shape and burst features for a 3 dimensional array of signals. |
Segmentation Functions¶
Identify peaks and troughs in a time series. |
Find zero-crossings within each cycle, from identified peaks and troughs. |
Waveform Phase Estimation Functions¶
Use extrema and (optionally) zero-crossings to estimate instantaneous phase. |
Burst Detection Functions¶
Detects bursts based on consistency between cycles. |
Detect bursts based on amplitude thresholding. |
Detect bursts in a signal using the dual threshold algorithm. |
Recompute the is_burst column for cycles on the edges of bursts. |
Plotting Functions¶
Plot the cycle-by-cycle burst detection parameters and burst detection summary. |
Plot a burst detection parameter and threshold. |
Plot extrema and/or zero-crossings from a DataFrame. |
Plot extrema and/or zero-crossings from arrays. |
Plot a histogram for a cycle feature. |
Plot a cycle feature by one or more categories. |
Utility Functions¶
Restrict signal and times to be within time limits. |
Restrict dataframe to be within time limits. |
Determine whether cycles are peak or trough centered. |
Rename a dataframe based on the centered extrema. |
Move cyclepoints sample indices columns to a separate dataframe. |
Remove cyclepoints sample columns from a dataframe. |
Reshape a dataframe into a list of dataframes. |
Flatten a list of dataframes into a single dataframe with a group column(s). |