3. Cycle-by-cycle analysis of resting state data

Simulated experiment using the cycle-by-cycle approach.

Say we ran an experiment and want to compare subjects’ resting state data for some reason. Maybe we want to study age, gender, disease state, or something. This has often been done to study differences in oscillatory power or coupling between groups of people. In this notebook, we will run through how to use bycycle to analyze resting state data.

In this example, we have 20 subjects (10 patients, 10 control), and we for some reason hypothesized that their alpha oscillations may be systematically different. For example, we think the patient group should have more top-down input that increases the synchrony in the oscillatory input (measured by its symmetry).

import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

from neurodsp.sim import sim_combined
from neurodsp.filt import filter_signal
from neurodsp.plts import plot_time_series

from bycycle import BycycleGroup
from bycycle.plts import plot_burst_detect_summary, plot_feature_categorical

pd.options.display.max_columns = 10

Load simulated experiment of 10 patients and 10 controls

# Simulate experimental data
n_seconds = 10
fs = 1000
n_subjects = 20
sigs = np.zeros((n_subjects, int(fs * n_seconds)))

for subject_idx in range(n_subjects):

    # Manipulate the rise-decay symmetry between the two groups
    rdsym = .35 if subject_idx <= int(n_subjects/2) else 0.5

    components = {'sim_bursty_oscillation': {'freq': 10, 'enter_burst': .1, 'leave_burst': .1,
                                             'cycle': 'asine', 'rdsym': rdsym},
                  'sim_powerlaw': {'f_range': (2, None)}}

    sigs[subject_idx] = sim_combined(n_seconds, fs, components=components, component_variances=(5, 1))

# Apply lowpass filter to each signal
for idx in range(len(sigs)):
    sigs[idx] = filter_signal(sigs[idx], fs, 'lowpass', 30, n_seconds=.2, remove_edges=False)
# Plot an example signal
n_signals = len(sigs)
n_seconds = len(sigs[0])/fs
times = np.arange(0, n_seconds, 1/fs)

plot_time_series(times, sigs[0], lw=2)
plot 3 bycycle resting state

Compute cycle-by-cycle features

# Frequency band of interest
f_alpha = (7, 13)

# Tuned burst detection parameters
thresholds = {
    'amp_fraction': .2,
    'amp_consistency': .5,
    'period_consistency': .5,
    'monotonicity': .9,
    'min_n_cycles': 2

# Compute features for each signal
bg = BycycleGroup(thresholds=thresholds)
bg.fit(sigs, fs, f_alpha)

# Recompute cycles on edges of bursts with reduced thresholds

# Add group and subject ids to dataframes
groups = ['patient' if idx >= int(n_signals/2) else 'control' for idx in range(n_signals)]
subject_ids = [idx for idx in range(n_signals)]

for idx, group in enumerate(groups):
    bg.df_features[idx]['group'] = group
    bg.df_features[idx]['subject_id'] = subject_ids[idx]

# Concatenate the list of dataframes
df_features = pd.concat(bg.df_features)
amp_fraction amp_consistency period_consistency monotonicity period ... sample_last_trough sample_next_trough is_burst group subject_id
0 0.234043 NaN NaN 0.856481 153 ... 89 242 False control 0
1 0.202128 0.806234 0.385621 0.980769 59 ... 242 301 False control 0
2 0.191489 0.337052 0.627660 0.792573 94 ... 301 395 False control 0
3 0.095745 0.239360 0.699115 1.000000 79 ... 395 474 False control 0
4 0.117021 0.634007 0.699115 0.895161 113 ... 474 587 False control 0

5 rows × 26 columns

Confirm appropriateness of burst detection parameters

These burst detection parameters seem appropriate because they mostly restrict the analysis to periods of the signal that appear to be bursting. This was confirmed by looking at a few different signal segments from a few subjects.

bg[0].plot(xlim=(0, 10), figsize=(16, 3))
plot 3 bycycle resting state
/Users/ryanhammonds/projects/bycycle/.env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/neurodsp/plts/style.py:69: MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: MarkerStyle(None) is deprecated since 3.6; support will be removed two minor releases later.  Use MarkerStyle('') to construct an empty MarkerStyle.
  line.set(**{style : next(values)})
/Users/ryanhammonds/projects/bycycle/.env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/neurodsp/plts/style.py:69: MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: MarkerStyle(None) is deprecated since 3.6; support will be removed two minor releases later.  Use MarkerStyle('') to construct an empty MarkerStyle.
  line.set(**{style : next(values)})
/Users/ryanhammonds/projects/bycycle/.env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/neurodsp/plts/style.py:69: MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: MarkerStyle(None) is deprecated since 3.6; support will be removed two minor releases later.  Use MarkerStyle('') to construct an empty MarkerStyle.
  line.set(**{style : next(values)})
/Users/ryanhammonds/projects/bycycle/.env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/neurodsp/plts/style.py:69: MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: MarkerStyle(None) is deprecated since 3.6; support will be removed two minor releases later.  Use MarkerStyle('') to construct an empty MarkerStyle.
  line.set(**{style : next(values)})

Analyze cycle-by-cycle features

Note the significant difference between the treatment and control groups for rise-decay symmetry but not the other features.

# Only consider cycles that were identified to be in bursting regimes
df_features_burst = df_features[df_features['is_burst']]

# Compute average features across subjects in a recording
features_keep = ['volt_amp', 'period', 'time_rdsym', 'time_ptsym']
df_subjects = df_features_burst.groupby(['group', 'subject_id']).mean()[features_keep].reset_index()
group subject_id volt_amp period time_rdsym time_ptsym
0 control 0 3.415119 99.645833 0.398167 0.506239
1 control 1 3.663709 102.357143 0.417092 0.503348
2 control 2 3.830204 99.142857 0.392477 0.511995
3 control 3 3.555657 98.945946 0.410615 0.499541
4 control 4 4.496516 100.062500 0.406571 0.508676

fig, axes = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 15), nrows=2, ncols=2)

plot_feature_categorical(df_subjects, 'volt_amp', group_by='group', ax=axes[0][0],
                         xlabel=['Patient', 'Control'], ylabel='Amplitude')

plot_feature_categorical(df_subjects, 'period', group_by='group', ax=axes[0][1],
                         xlabel=['Patient', 'Control'], ylabel='Period (ms)')

plot_feature_categorical(df_subjects, 'time_rdsym', group_by='group', ax=axes[1][0],
                         xlabel=['Patient', 'Control'], ylabel='Rise-Decay Symmetry')

plot_feature_categorical(df_subjects, 'time_ptsym', group_by='group', ax=axes[1][1],
                         xlabel=['Patient', 'Control'], ylabel='Peak-Trough Symmetry')
plot 3 bycycle resting state

Statistical differences in cycle features

feature_names = {'volt_amp': 'Amplitude',
                 'period': 'Period (ms)',
                 'time_rdsym': 'Rise-Decay Symmetry',
                 'time_ptsym': 'Peak-Trough Symmetry'}

for feat, feat_name in feature_names.items():

    x_treatment = df_subjects[df_subjects['group'] == 'patient'][feat]
    x_control = df_subjects[df_subjects['group'] == 'control'][feat]
    ustat, pval = stats.mannwhitneyu(x_treatment, x_control)
    print('{:20s} difference between groups, U= {:3.0f}, p={:.5f}'.format(feat_name, ustat, pval))
Amplitude            difference between groups, U=  25, p=0.06402
Period (ms)          difference between groups, U=  36, p=0.30749
Rise-Decay Symmetry  difference between groups, U=  97, p=0.00044
Peak-Trough Symmetry difference between groups, U=  41, p=0.52052

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 3.180 seconds)

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