Source code for

"""Functions to compute features across 2 dimensional arrays of data."""

import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import partial
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count

import numpy as np

from bycycle.features import compute_features
from bycycle.burst import detect_bursts_cycles, detect_bursts_amp
from import progress_bar, check_kwargs_shape
from bycycle.utils.dataframes import epoch_df


[docs]def compute_features_2d(sigs, fs, f_range, compute_features_kwargs=None, axis=0, return_samples=True, n_jobs=-1, progress=None): """Compute shape and burst features for a 2 dimensional array of signals. Parameters ---------- sigs : 2d array Voltage time series, i.e. (n_channels, n_samples) or (n_epochs, n_samples). fs : float Sampling rate, in Hz. f_range : tuple of (float, float) Frequency range for narrowband signal of interest, in Hz. compute_features_kwargs : dict or list of dict Keyword arguments used in :func:`~.compute_features`. axis : {0, None} Which axes to calculate features across: - ``axis=0`` : Iterates over each row/signal in an array independently (i.e. for each channel in (n_channels, n_timepoints)). - ``axis=None`` : Flattens rows/signals prior to computing features (i.e. across flatten epochs in (n_epochs, n_timepoints)). return_samples : bool, optional, default: True Whether to return a dataframe of cyclepoint sample indices. n_jobs : int, optional, default: -1 The number of jobs to compute features in parallel. progress : {None, 'tqdm', 'tqdm.notebook'} Specify whether to display a progress bar. Uses 'tqdm', if installed. Returns ------- dfs_features : list of pandas.DataFrame Dataframes containing shape and burst features for each cycle. Each dataframe is computed using the :func:`~.compute_features` function. Notes ----- - The order of ``dfs_features`` corresponds to the order of ``sigs``. This list of dataframes may be reorganized into a single dataframe using :func:`~.flatten_dfs`. - When ``axis=None`` parallel computation may not be performed due to the requirement of flattening the array into one dimension. - If ``compute_features_kwargs`` is a dictionary, the same kwargs are applied applied across the first axis of ``sigs``. Otherwise, a list of dictionaries equal in length to the first axis of ``sigs`` is required to apply unique kwargs to each signal. - ``return_samples`` is controlled from the kwargs passed in this function. If ``return_samples`` is a key in ``compute_features_kwargs``, it's value will be ignored. Examples -------- Compute the features of a 2d array (n_epochs=10, n_samples=5000) containing epoched data: >>> import numpy as np >>> from neurodsp.sim import sim_bursty_oscillation >>> fs = 500 >>> sigs = np.array([sim_bursty_oscillation(10, fs, 10) for i in range(10)]) >>> compute_kwargs = {'burst_method': 'amp', 'threshold_kwargs':{'burst_fraction_threshold': 1}} >>> dfs_features = compute_features_2d(sigs, fs, f_range=(8, 12), axis=None, ... compute_features_kwargs=compute_kwargs) Compute the features of a 2d array in parallel using the same compute_features kwargs. Note each signal features are computed separately in this case, recommended for (n_channels, n_samples): >>> compute_kwargs = {'burst_method': 'amp', 'threshold_kwargs':{'burst_fraction_threshold': 1}} >>> dfs_features = compute_features_2d(sigs, fs, f_range=(8, 12), n_jobs=2, axis=0, ... compute_features_kwargs=compute_kwargs) Compute the features of a 2d array in parallel using using individualized settings per signal to examine the effect of various amplitude consistency thresholds: >>> sigs = np.array([sim_bursty_oscillation(10, fs, freq=10)] * 10) >>> compute_kwargs = [{'threshold_kwargs': {'amp_consistency_threshold': thresh*.1}} ... for thresh in range(1, 11)] >>> dfs_features = compute_features_2d(sigs, fs, f_range=(8, 12), return_samples=False, ... n_jobs=2, compute_features_kwargs=compute_kwargs, axis=0) """ # Check compute_features_kwargs kwargs = deepcopy(compute_features_kwargs) kwargs = np.array(kwargs) if isinstance(kwargs, list) else kwargs check_kwargs_shape(sigs, kwargs, axis) kwargs = {} if kwargs is None else kwargs kwargs = [kwargs] if isinstance(kwargs, dict) else list(kwargs) # Drop return_samples argument, as it is set directly in the function call for kwarg in kwargs: kwarg.pop('return_samples', None) n_jobs = cpu_count() if n_jobs == -1 else n_jobs if axis == 0: # Compute each signal independently and in paralllel with Pool(processes=n_jobs) as pool: if len(kwargs) > 1: # Map iterable sigs and kwargs together mapping = pool.imap(partial(_proxy_2d, fs=fs, f_range=f_range, return_samples=return_samples), zip(sigs, kwargs)) else: # Only map sigs, kwargs are the same for each mapping mapping = pool.imap(partial(compute_features, fs=fs, f_range=f_range, return_samples=return_samples, **kwargs[0]), sigs) dfs_features = list(progress_bar(mapping, progress, len(sigs))) elif axis is None: # Compute features after flattening the 2d array (i.e. calculated across a 1d signal) sig_flat = sigs.flatten() center_extrema = kwargs[0].pop('center_extrema', 'peak') df_flat = compute_features(sig_flat, fs=fs, f_range=f_range, return_samples=True, center_extrema=center_extrema, **kwargs[0]) dfs_features = epoch_df(df_flat, len(sig_flat), len(sigs[0])) # Apply different thresholds if specified if len(kwargs) > 0: for idx, compute_kwargs in enumerate(kwargs): burst_method = compute_kwargs.pop('burst_method', 'cycles') thresholds = compute_kwargs.pop('threshold_kwargs', {}) center_extrema_next = compute_kwargs.pop('center_extrema', None) if idx > 0 and center_extrema_next is not None \ and center_extrema_next != center_extrema: warnings.warn(''' The same center extrema must be used when axis is None and compute_features_kwargs is a list. Proceeding using the first center_extrema: {extrema}.'''.format(extrema=center_extrema)) if burst_method == 'cycles': dfs_features[idx] = detect_bursts_cycles(dfs_features[idx], **thresholds) elif burst_method == 'amp': dfs_features[idx] = detect_bursts_amp(dfs_features[idx], **thresholds) else: raise ValueError("The axis kwarg must be either 0 or None.") return dfs_features
[docs]def compute_features_3d(sigs, fs, f_range, compute_features_kwargs=None, axis=0, return_samples=True, n_jobs=-1, progress=None): """Compute shape and burst features for a 3 dimensional array of signals. Parameters ---------- sigs : 3d array Voltage time series, with 3d shape, i.e. (n_channels, n_epochs, n_samples). fs : float Sampling rate, in Hz. f_range : tuple of (float, float) Frequency range for narrowband signal of interest, in Hz. compute_features_kwargs : dict or 1d list of dict or 2d list of dict Keyword arguments used in :func:`~.compute_features`. axis : {0, 1, (0, 1)} Which axes to calculate features across: - ``axis=0`` : Iterates over 2D slices along the zeroth dimension, (i.e. for each channel in (n_channels, n_epochs, n_timepoints)). - ``axis=1`` : Iterates over 2D slices along the first dimension (i.e. across flatten epochs in (n_epochs, n_channels, n_timepoints)). - ``axis=(0, 1)`` : Iterates over 1D slices along the zeroth and first dimensions (i.e across each signal independently in (n_participants, n_channels, n_timepoints)). return_samples : bool, optional, default: True Whether to return a dataframe of cyclepoint sample indices. n_jobs : int, optional, default: -1 The number of jobs to compute features in parallel. progress : {None, 'tqdm', 'tqdm.notebook'} Specify whether to display a progress bar. Uses 'tqdm' if installed. Returns ------- dfs_features : list of pandas.DataFrame Dataframes containing shape and burst features for each cycle. Each dataframe is computed using the :func:`~.compute_features` function. Notes ----- - The order of ``dfs_features`` corresponds to the order of ``sigs``. This list of dataframes may be reorganized into a single dataframe using :func:`~.flatten_dfs`. - If ``compute_features_kwargs`` is a dictionary, the same kwargs are applied applied across all signals. A 1d list, equal in length to the first dimensions of sigs, may be applied to each set of signals along the first dimensions. A 2d list, the same shape as the first two dimensions of ``sigs`` may also be used to applied unique parameters to each signal. - ``return_samples`` is controlled from the kwargs passed in this function. The ``return_samples`` value in ``compute_features_kwargs`` will be ignored. Examples -------- Compute the features of a 3d array, in parallel, with a shape of (n_channels=2, n_epochs=3, n_signals=5000) using the same compute_features kwargs: >>> import numpy as np >>> from neurodsp.sim import sim_bursty_oscillation >>> fs = 500 >>> sigs = np.array([[sim_bursty_oscillation(10, fs, freq=10) for epoch in range(3)] ... for ch in range(2)]) >>> threshold_kwargs = {'amp_consistency_threshold': .5, 'period_consistency_threshold': .5, ... 'monotonicity_threshold': .8, 'min_n_cycles': 3} >>> compute_feature_kwargs = {'threshold_kwargs': threshold_kwargs, 'center_extrema': 'trough'} >>> features = compute_features_3d(sigs, fs, f_range= (8, 12), ... compute_features_kwargs=compute_feature_kwargs, axis=0, ... n_jobs=2) Compute the features of a 3d array, in parallel, with a shape of (n_channels=2, n_epochs=3, n_signals=5000) using channel-specific compute_features kwargs: >>> threshold_kwargs_ch1 = {'amp_consistency_threshold': .25, 'monotonicity_threshold': .25, ... 'period_consistency_threshold': .25, 'min_n_cycles': 3} >>> threshold_kwargs_ch2 = {'amp_consistency_threshold': .5, 'monotonicity_threshold': .5, ... 'period_consistency_threshold': .5, 'min_n_cycles': 3} >>> compute_kwargs = [{'threshold_kwargs': threshold_kwargs_ch1, 'center_extrema': 'trough'}, ... {'threshold_kwargs': threshold_kwargs_ch2, 'center_extrema': 'trough'}] >>> features = compute_features_3d(sigs, fs, f_range= (8, 12), ... compute_features_kwargs=compute_kwargs, axis=0, n_jobs=2) """ n_jobs = cpu_count() if n_jobs == -1 else n_jobs # Convert list of kwargs to array to check dimensions kwargs = deepcopy(compute_features_kwargs) kwargs = np.array(kwargs) if isinstance(kwargs, list) else kwargs check_kwargs_shape(sigs, kwargs, axis) kwargs = list(kwargs.flatten()) if isinstance(kwargs, np.ndarray) else [kwargs] if axis in [0, 1]: # Independently across 2d slices along either the zeroth or first axis sigs = np.swapaxes(sigs, 0, 1) if axis == 1 else sigs kwargs = kwargs * np.shape(sigs)[0] if len(kwargs) == 1 else kwargs with Pool(processes=n_jobs) as pool: mapping = pool.imap(partial(_proxy_3d, fs=fs, f_range=f_range, return_samples=return_samples), zip(sigs, kwargs)) dfs_features = list(progress_bar(mapping, progress, len(sigs))) # Swap the first two axes to return original shape dfs_features = [list(dfs) for dfs in zip(*dfs_features)] if axis == 1 else dfs_features elif axis == (0, 1): # Independently across the first two axes (i.e. for each signal) sigs_2d = sigs.reshape(np.shape(sigs)[0]*np.shape(sigs)[1], np.shape(sigs)[2]) kwargs = kwargs[0] if len(kwargs) == 1 else kwargs df_2d = compute_features_2d(sigs_2d, fs, f_range, compute_features_kwargs=kwargs, return_samples=return_samples, n_jobs=n_jobs, progress=progress, axis=0) else: raise ValueError("The axis kwarg must be either 0, 1, or (0, 1).") if axis == (0, 1): dfs_features = np.zeros((np.shape(sigs)[0], np.shape(sigs)[1])).tolist() # Reshape for dim0_idx in range(np.shape(sigs)[0]): for dim1_idx in range(np.shape(sigs)[1]): dfs_features[dim0_idx][dim1_idx] = df_2d[dim0_idx + dim1_idx] return dfs_features
def _proxy_2d(args, fs=None, f_range=None, return_samples=None): """Proxy function to map kwargs and 2d sigs together.""" sig, kwargs = args[0], args[1:] return compute_features(sig, fs=fs, f_range=f_range, return_samples=return_samples, **kwargs[0]) def _proxy_3d(args, fs=None, f_range=None, return_samples=None): """Proxy function to map kwargs and 3d sigs together.""" sigs, kwargs = args[0], args[1] return compute_features_2d(sigs, fs, f_range, compute_features_kwargs=kwargs, axis=None, return_samples=return_samples)