Source code for bycycle.features.features

"""Compute cycle-by-cycle features."""

import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from bycycle.utils.checks import check_param_range
from bycycle.utils.dataframes import drop_samples_df
from bycycle.features.shape import compute_shape_features
from bycycle.features.burst import compute_burst_features
from bycycle.burst import detect_bursts_cycles, detect_bursts_amp


[docs]def compute_features(sig, fs, f_range, center_extrema='peak', burst_method='cycles', burst_kwargs=None, threshold_kwargs=None, find_extrema_kwargs=None, return_samples=True): """Compute shape and burst features for each cycle. Parameters ---------- sig : 1d array Time series. fs : float Sampling rate, in Hz. f_range : tuple of (float, float) Frequency range for narrowband signal of interest (Hz). center_extrema : {'peak', 'trough'} The center extrema in the cycle. - 'peak' : cycles are defined trough-to-trough - 'trough' : cycles are defined peak-to-peak burst_method : {'cycles', 'amp'} Method for detecting bursts. - 'cycles': detect bursts based on the consistency of consecutive periods & amplitudes - 'amp': detect bursts using an amplitude threshold burst_kwargs : dict, optional, default: None Additional keyword arguments defined in :func:`~.compute_burst_fraction` for dual amplitude threshold burst detection (i.e. when burst_method='amp'). threshold_kwargs : dict, optional, default: None Feature thresholds for cycles to be considered bursts, matching keyword arguments for: - :func:`~.detect_bursts_cycles` for consistency burst detection (i.e. when burst_method='cycles') - :func:`~.detect_bursts_amp` for amplitude threshold burst detection (i.e. when burst_method='amp'). find_extrema_kwargs : dict, optional, default: None Keyword arguments for function to find peaks an troughs (:func:`~.find_extrema`) to change filter parameters or boundary. By default, the filter length is set to three cycles of the low cutoff frequency (``f_range[0]``). return_samples : bool, optional, default: True Returns samples indices of cyclepoints used for determining features if True. Returns ------- df_features : pandas.DataFrame A dataframe containing shape and burst features for each cycle. Columns: - ``period`` : period of the cycle - ``time_decay`` : time between peak and next trough - ``time_rise`` : time between peak and previous trough - ``time_peak`` : time between rise and decay zero-crosses - ``time_trough`` : duration of previous trough estimated by zero-crossings - ``volt_decay`` : voltage change between peak and next trough - ``volt_rise`` : voltage change between peak and previous trough - ``volt_amp`` : average of rise and decay voltage - ``volt_peak`` : voltage at the peak - ``volt_trough`` : voltage at the last trough - ``time_rdsym`` : fraction of cycle in the rise period - ``time_ptsym`` : fraction of cycle in the peak period - ``band_amp`` : average analytic amplitude of the oscillation When consistency burst detection is used (i.e. burst_method='cycles'): - ``amp_fraction`` : normalized amplitude - ``amp_consistency`` : difference in the rise and decay voltage within a cycle - ``period_consistency`` : difference between a cycle’s period and the period of the adjacent cycles - ``monotonicity`` : fraction of monotonic voltage changes in rise and decay phases (positive going in rise and negative going in decay) When dual threshold burst detection is used (i.e. burst_method='amp'): - ``burst_fraction`` : fraction of a cycle that is bursting When cyclepoints are returned (i.e. default, return_samples=True) - ``sample_peak`` : sample at which the peak occurs - ``sample_zerox_decay`` : sample of the decaying zero-crossing - ``sample_zerox_rise`` : sample of the rising zero-crossing - ``sample_last_trough`` : sample of the last trough - ``sample_next_trough`` : sample of the next trough Examples -------- Compute shape and burst features: >>> from neurodsp.sim import sim_bursty_oscillation >>> fs = 500 >>> sig = sim_bursty_oscillation(10, fs, freq=10) >>> df_features = compute_features(sig, fs, f_range=(8, 12)) """ # Ensure arguments are within valid range check_param_range(fs, 'fs', (0, np.inf)) # Compute shape features for each cycle df_shape_features = compute_shape_features(sig, fs, f_range, center_extrema=center_extrema, find_extrema_kwargs=find_extrema_kwargs) # Ensure kwargs are a dictionaries if burst_method == 'amp' and not isinstance(burst_kwargs, dict): burst_kwargs = {} if not isinstance(threshold_kwargs, dict): threshold_kwargs = {} warnings.warn(""" No burst detection thresholds are provided. This is not recommended. Please inspect your data and choose appropriate parameters for 'threshold_kwargs'. Default burst detection parameters are likely not well suited for your desired application. """) # Ensure required kwargs are set for amplitude burst detection if burst_method == 'amp': burst_kwargs['fs'] = fs burst_kwargs['f_range'] = f_range if burst_method == 'amp' and 'min_n_cycles' not in burst_kwargs.keys(): burst_kwargs['min_n_cycles'] = threshold_kwargs.copy().pop('min_n_cycles', 3) elif burst_method == 'amp' and 'min_n_cycles' in burst_kwargs.keys(): threshold_kwargs['min_n_cycles'] = burst_kwargs['min_n_cycles'] # Compute burst features for each cycle df_burst_features = compute_burst_features(df_shape_features, sig, burst_method=burst_method, burst_kwargs=burst_kwargs) # Concatenate shape and burst features df_features = pd.concat((df_burst_features, df_shape_features), axis=1) # Define whether or not each cycle is part of a burst if burst_method == 'cycles': df_features = detect_bursts_cycles(df_features, **threshold_kwargs) elif burst_method == 'amp': df_features = detect_bursts_amp(df_features, **threshold_kwargs) else: raise ValueError('Invalid argument for "burst_method".' 'Either "cycles" or "amp" must be specified."') df_features = drop_samples_df(df_features) if return_samples is False else df_features return df_features