Source code for bycycle.burst.utils

"""Utilities for burst detection."""

from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
from bycycle.utils.checks import check_param_range, check_param_options


def check_min_burst_cycles(is_burst, min_n_cycles=3):
    """Enforce minimum number of consecutive cycles to be considered a burst.

    is_burst : 1d array
        Boolean array indicating which cycles are bursting.
    min_n_cycles : int, optional, default: 3
        The minimum number of cycles of consecutive cycles required to be considered a burst.

    is_burst : 1d array
        Updated burst array.

    Remove bursts with less than 3 consecutive cycles:

    >>> is_burst = np.array([False, True, True, False, True, True, True, True, False])
    >>> check_min_burst_cycles(is_burst)
    array([False, False, False, False,  True,  True,  True,  True, False])

    # Ensure argument is within valid range
    check_param_range(min_n_cycles, 'min_n_cycles', (0, np.inf))

    temp_cycle_count = 0

    for idx, bursting in enumerate(is_burst):

        if bursting:
            temp_cycle_count += 1


            if temp_cycle_count < min_n_cycles:
                for c_rm in range(temp_cycle_count):
                    is_burst[idx - 1 - c_rm] = False

            temp_cycle_count = 0

    return is_burst

[docs]def recompute_edges(df_features, threshold_kwargs, burst_method='cycles', burst_kwargs=None): """Recompute the is_burst column for cycles on the edges of bursts. Parameters ---------- df_features : pandas.DataFrame A dataframe containing shape and burst features for each cycle. threshold_kwargs : dict Feature thresholds for cycles to be considered bursts, matching keyword arguments for: - :func:`~.detect_bursts_cycles` for consistency burst detection (i.e. when burst_method == 'cycles') Returns ------- df_features_edges : pandas.DataFrame An cycle feature dataframe with an updated ``is_burst`` column for edge cycles. Notes ----- - `df_features` must be computed using consistency burst detection. Examples -------- Lower the amplitude consistency threshold to zero for cycles on the edges of bursts: >>> from neurodsp.sim import sim_combined >>> from bycycle.features import compute_features >>> sig = sim_combined(n_seconds=4, fs=1000, components={'sim_bursty_oscillation': {'freq': 10}, ... 'sim_powerlaw': {'exp': 2}}) >>> threshold_kwargs = {'amp_fraction_threshold': 0., 'amp_consistency_threshold': .5, ... 'period_consistency_threshold': .5, 'monotonicity_threshold': .4, ... 'min_n_cycles': 3} >>> df_features = compute_features(sig, fs=1000, f_range=(8, 12), ... threshold_kwargs=threshold_kwargs) >>> threshold_kwargs['amp_consistency_threshold'] = 0 >>> df_features_edges = recompute_edges(df_features, threshold_kwargs) """ # Prevent circular imports between burst.utils and burst.cycle from bycycle.burst import detect_bursts_cycles # Prevent overwriting the original dataframe df_features_edges = df_features.copy() # Identify all cycles where is_burst changes on the following cycle # Use copy to keep dataframe columns unlinked is_burst = deepcopy(df_features_edges['is_burst'].values) burst_edges = np.where(is_burst[1:] == ~is_burst[:-1])[0] # Get cycles outside of bursts burst_starts = np.array([edge for idx, edge in enumerate(burst_edges) if idx % 2 == 0]) burst_ends = np.array([edge+1 for idx, edge in enumerate(burst_edges) if idx % 2 == 1 ]) # Recompute is_burst for cycles at the edge for start_idx, end_idx in zip(burst_starts, burst_ends): df_features_edges = recompute_edge(df_features_edges, start_idx, 'next') df_features_edges = recompute_edge(df_features_edges, end_idx, 'last') # Apply thresholding df_features_edges = detect_bursts_cycles(df_features_edges, **threshold_kwargs) return df_features_edges
def recompute_edge(df_features, cyc_idx, direction): """Recompute consistency features at the edge of a cycle. Parameters ---------- df_features : pandas.DataFrame A dataframe containing shape and burst features for each cycle. cyc_idx : int The dataframe index of the edge. direction : {'both', 'next', 'last'} The direction to compute consistency. Returns ------- df_features : pandas.DataFrame A dataframe with updated consistency features. """ # Check that param validity check_param_options(direction, 'direction', ['both', 'next', 'last']) # Prevent circular imports between burst.utils and burst.cycle from bycycle.features.burst import compute_amp_consistency, compute_period_consistency # Slice edges rows and recompute burst features lower = max(cyc_idx-1, 0) upper = min(cyc_idx+2, len(df_features)) edge_range = range(lower, upper) edge = df_features.iloc[edge_range].copy() # Update dataframe with recomputed consistency features df_features['amp_consistency'][cyc_idx] = \ compute_amp_consistency(edge, direction=direction)[1] df_features['period_consistency'][cyc_idx] = \ compute_period_consistency(edge, direction=direction)[1] return df_features